Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Audiograms: August 2014

Last two weeks we went for unaided audiogram at Klinik Audiologi UKM. Ntah kenapa hari tu Afif takut dengan puppet berlampu tu (kene respon pandang ke puppet bila dia dengar bunyi. Itu untuk menunjukkan yang dia dengar). Dia menangis dan berpeluk je masa mula-mula start test. We ended up not using the puppet, just let him draw (more like menconteng) to distract him and observe his change of facial expression/movement bila bagi dengar sound.

What's worrying is that his hearing loss seems to be progressive at the high frequency. Meaning his hearing is worse that the last time we had an unaided test.

Afif unaided test Aug 14, 2014.

i argued with Pn. Izzati about the accuracy of the test because Afif listens well and while his speech progress is not much, it does not seem to worsen. He can even pronounce shh/ (which is a high frequency sound). Pn. Izzati kata dia ulang banyak kali bunyi kat high frequency tu tapi Afif still tak respon. Lagi la mama risau :'(

We discussed about possibility of cochlea implant for Afif. Beacuse if his hearing loss is really progressive, i want to insist on him having a CI. i don't want to risk waiting and delaying him to learn to speak. Pn. Izzati suggested to run one more aided test. With both aided and unaided test, she can bring forward Afif's name in the next CI meeting.

So last week we went for another aided audiogram.

Alhamdulillah, this time he was not scared of the puppet anymore. And the more good news is, Afif's aided hearing threshold has improved from last aided test in June.

Afif aided test Aug 19, 2014.

Though relieved at this result, i'm still in doubt. Because after 8 months of consistently wearing hearing aids, and looking at the good aided hearing threshold, Afif's meaningful words are limited to Mama, meow and hai. Nothing more. 

Yes, he had produced more sounds like shh/, na/ di/ ge/ but no other meaningful words. Maybe there are certain speech sounds that he can't hear or maybe it's our teaching technique that is wrong.

At the last discussion with ENT, audiologist and speech therapist, they all agreed that Afif is progressing okay. But as a mom, i'm still worried. i'm still not satisfied.

As of today, we have decided to seek second opinion from experts from other hospitals. We feel that after hearing opinions from others, we'll be more comfortable in making decision; to continue with HA or to go for CI. At the same time, we're learning more and more to be a better speech therapist for him.

Being parents of deaf child really is exhausting. It's not the dealing with your deaf child that is exhausting; it's the pressure of making the right choice for him that is exhausting. We want the best for him but we don't know what the best is.

O' Allah. Ease our journey to make the right choice. Ease Afif's path so that he can hear and speak beautifully. Please give him the ability to hear and speak and the opportunity to learn, be accepted and have a bright future like other normal children. Amin.

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